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We've Moved! Our new address is 1210 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814

FAQs Chiropractor Visit in Sacramento, CA

Frequently Asked Questions About Chiropractic Care from The Healing Touch Chiropractic

At The Healing Touch Chiropractic, it is our goal to make sure that all of our patients are comfortable when they come to see us. To help make this happen, we have put together a list of a few common questions that our patients ask when they come to see us for a chiropractic visit. Take a look at below at some of the common questions we hear! Maybe one of yours will be answered.


Frequently Asked Questions About Chiropractic Care

When someone comes to see us for a chiropractic visit, there are a few common questions that we get asked. Some of the most frequent questions we hear include:

What Kind of Training Does a Chiropractor Have?

Most chiropractors will go through a total of eight years of training after high school. First, they will attend college and earn an undergraduate degree. Then, they will go on to earn a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine (DC) degree from a chiropractic school. Then, they will either open up a practice or undergo additional specialty training.

What Conditions Does a Chiropractor Treat?

The good news is that a trained chiropractor can provide assistance for a wide variety of injuries and illnesses! Some of the most common conditions that we see in our office include neck pain, back pain, knee pain, and nerve pain. We also help people with stress management, sports injuries, and more. Our goal is to be a comprehensive healthcare provider.

What Makes a Chiropractor Different from Other Healthcare Providers?

There are a few ways that we are different from traditional medical doctors. First, we try to help people recover without the use of prescription medications or surgeries. We believe the body has the ability to heal itself naturally. Next, we also try to target the root cause of the problem. Instead of treating the symptoms on the surface, we try to eliminate the root cause, this helps us prevent the issue from coming back.

These are a few of the most common questions that we get asked on a regular basis. Rely on us to get to the root cause of your concerns!

Contact Us Today to Make an Appointment With Our Team!

At The Healing Touch Chiropractic, we will do everything we can to ensure that our patients are taken care of. This means that we will go out of our way to advocate for our patients. If you would like to learn more about our service, then please call us today to make an appointment with a chiropractor in Sacramento, CA! We would be honored to take care of you and your family.


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