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We've Moved! Our new address is 1210 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814

Back Pain Treatment in Sacramento, CA

Treatment at The Healing Touch Chiropractic

A crippling case of back pain can force you to neglect everyday chores, miss work, lose sleep, and generally live a greatly compromised life. Whether you're experiencing the pain up high or down low, you know you need treatment -- but you're doubtless in no hurry to submit to the surgeon's knife. The good news is that you probably don't have to resort to such extreme care. That's because The Healing Touch Chiropractic offers non-invasive back pain treatment in Sacramento.

man experiencing back pain

The Problem of Back Pain: Locations and Causes

Most of your spinal column is devoted to supporting your back, which in turn supports your entire body. Below the cervical spine located in the neck, you'll find the thoracic spine (to which the ribs are attacked), the lumbar spine (where the "small" of your back is), and the sacral spine at the bottom of the spinal column. you can experience can in any of these regions. Upper/middle back pain is often associated with twisting injuries that dislocate vertebrae, throw ribs out of alignment, and damage muscles. Low back pain often occurs alongside herniated discs, which push onto the major nerve roots of the sciatic nerve. When this happens you experience both low back pain and leg pain, numbness, and other neurological problems.

Back pain can sneak up on you over time instead of blindsiding you in an acute injury. Bulging discs and arthritic spinal joints can lead to chronic back pain and stiffness, along with spinal stenosis and other degenerative conditions. A spinal misalignment that shifts your upper body off balance can cause ongoing back muscle strain and spasms. Pregnancy and obesity add to the load on the back muscles and other structures, making you prone to back pain.

How Your Chiropractor Treats Back Pain

Any chiropractor on our three-practitioner team can help you get over your back pain without any need for surgery. Spinal decompression therapy can relieve disc-related problems by pulling the discs away from the nerve roots and back to their proper location. Chiropractic adjustments can correct a misalignment caused by injuries, degenerative spinal changes, or a lifetime of poor posture. We can also provide massage therapy to soothe and rehabilitate tight or damaged back muscles, as well as corrective exercises and lifestyle changes to help your back regain and maintain a healthy, comfortable posture.

Give Your Back What It Needs - a Trip to Our Sacramento Clinic

Your back has done a lot for you over the years, and now it's time for you to return the favor. Call our Sacramento clinic at (916) 447-3344 to schedule safe, all-natural back pain treatment!


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