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Electrical Stimulation

How Electrical Stimulation Therapy Helps You

Electrical stimulation is a therapy that can offer vital relief to a variety of conditions and pain. The Healing Touch Chiropractic in Midtown Sacramento, CA, is pleased to offer this perfectly viable treatment to our patients in the area as it offers amazing results that can help you live a life that is free of pain.

Conditions Treated with Electrical Stimulation

Our chiropractors don’t only want to help you enjoy relief from pain. Our doctors also want you to live your best life. This means freedom from pain as well as the conditions that caused pain. For some people, electrical stimulation, otherwise known is e-stim, is the perfect solution to their problems. Some of the conditions e-stim treats include:

  • Arthritis
  • Back and joint pain
  • Pain that is related to cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle injuries caused by trauma or disease
  • Nerve inflammation
  • Weak muscles
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Spinal injuries

Electrical stimulation is also currently utilized for muscle conditioning to help many athletes.

How Does Electric Stimulation Work?

As the name implies, the treatment involves the use of electric pulses to help stimulate healing. The idea behind this treatment is that the unit used to send electrical pulses help mimic the action of neuron signals in the body to create specific reactions, such as blocking pain, promoting healing, reducing swelling, and even restoring function to muscles so that atrophy doesn’t set in or to prevent muscle spasms.

Many people consider the use of electrical stimulation to be far better than the use of potentially habit-forming pharmaceutical drugs since e-stim can help manage pain and promote better muscle control.

However, this type of therapy is not considered as a short-term treatment for conditions. It is, instead, employed as part of a long-term plan. Depending on the specific condition you have, our chiropractors may recommend several e-stim treatments over a specific period of time, along with chiropractic adjustments, exercise, massage, and other types of treatment, to enhance results.

Get In Touch with Us Today

At The Healing Touch Chiropractic in Midtown Sacramento, CA, we believe that everyone deserves to live a life without pain. For more information about electrical stimulation therapy and how it can help you or to book an appointment with one of our chiropractors, call (916) 447-3344 or use our online forms. 


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