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We've Moved! Our new address is 1210 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814

Dr. Kamerman

Dr. Justin Kamerman is committed to helping everyone achieve their best health ever!

Justin Kamerman was born and raised in San Jose, California where he spent most of his time playing competitive baseball and practicing drums in the school band. After graduating from Live Oak High School in 2000 Justin chose to attend De Anza College of Cupertino where he continued playing baseball and began his academic career with a focus in pre-medical studies. In 2002 Justin followed family to San Diego and enrolled at San Diego State University to pursue his Bachelor’s Degree. In the spring of 2006 he graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from San Diego State University.

Shortly after discovering the natural healing arts of Chiropractic and realizing the positive impact he could have on the health of others Justin enrolled at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic at the Southern California University of Health Sciences in 2009. While pursuing his Doctorate in Chiropractic he accumulated hundreds of extra curricular hours in the fields of wellness, sports medicine, clinical nutrition, functional blood chemistry analysis, and lifestyle coaching. Justin’s internship pursuits afforded him the opportunity to work with competitive intercollegiate and professional athletes including professional volleyball, professional mixed martial arts, USA Olympic water polo and others and have enabled him to truly hone a superior chiropractic technique.

Throughout his academic career Justin has consistently been regarded as a leader amongst his peers and prides himself on a strong and moral work ethic. His distinctly empathetic nature and true passion to serve mankind is something patients truly appreciate and deserve. Justin is dedicated to helping you achieve your ultimate health potential and is an advocate for a natural and healthy lifestyle. He believes in making informed and evidence based decisions regarding daily care of your body and is an invaluable resource to have as part of your health care team.

Justin’s goal is simple: to educate, inspire, empower, coach, and role model a healthy chiropractic lifestyle to his family, friends, patients and community. He ultimately believes that patient education is often the most effective form of health care.


  • Live Oak High School — Morgan Hill, CA
  • San Diego State — San Diego, CA
  • Los Angeles College of Chiropractic — Orange County, CA

Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy
Doctor of Chiropractic


  • Board Certified


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