We've Moved! Our new address is 1210 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814
We've Moved! Our new address is 1210 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814

Chiropractic Helped My Parkinson's Disease!

By Clyde E. Cregar

Before I arrived at The Healing Touch Chiropractic, I felt like a decrepit old man. I acted older than my actual age. I walked with a stoop and shuffled forward with my head and neck down. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease twenty years ago. I suffered with the symptoms for all those years. I tried all sorts of things to help, but nothing lasted.

I tried physical therapy, massage and many different medications. Nothing worked for long. In my search for help, I was fortunate to locate The Healing Touch Chiropractic.

Since I began receiving treatment at The Healing Touch Chiropractic, my tremors have greatly lessened. Before treatment, I was unable to sleep through the night as my legs tremored throughout the night. I am now able to sleep most of the night. Most of my body's rigidity is gone. Tremors in my left hand and arm (which tremored constantly prior to treatment) have subsided.

I love to garden and read. Prior to treatment I was limited to short stints in the garden and was often unable to read a book because of the tremors. But now I can enjoy both.

The staff at The Healing Touch Chiropractic is wonderful. Dr. Lawson is great! He seems generally concerned with my overall welfare. From the first time I called to make an appointment and spoke to Sara on the phone, and the very first meeting I had with the doctor, and my day-to-day relationship with Amanda, I was made to feel like family. The services I receive at The Healing Touch Chiropractic have changed my life. And I am forever grateful!


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