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We've Moved! Our new address is 1210 G St, Sacramento, CA 95814

Bettie Renda - Even Sinus Surgery didn't help!

Even Sinus Surgery didn't help!

We take medicines and have surgeries hoping that our problems will go away, hoping that our life can get back to "the way it was" but most of the time it doesn't. So now imagine something that would help your body heal the problems that you are now experiencing. That's the kind of imagination that Bettie had when she came in. She had no idea that when properly aligned, her body not only had the opportunity to heal the problems, but to increase her energy and strength.

Bettie found The Healing Touch Chiropractic through a Body For Life support group meeting and decided to get her spine checked. She was very restricted with her upper body work outs due to the pain in her shoulder. She also experienced sinus inflammation and pain, as well as pain in her left hip. Bettie tried sinus surgery, Bowan Therapy, Ibuprofen, and antibiotics , but found no relief.

Now with just aligning her spine Bettie's body was able to rid her of sinus problems and headaches. Where surgery had failed, simply removing the nerve interference allowed her body to heal naturally. She also feels stronger and has better posture. Bettie attributes the collaborative work between herself and our office to her improved health.


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